Thursday, 26 April 2007

Interview Me!

Thanks to Sarah of Pink Cereal and Raspberries for humouring me and interviewing me.

1) What is your proudest moment?

I'm really not sure! I recently remembered the time that I came third in a poetry competition at school. I had recently left the school (it was overseas) and completely forgotten about it when a friend told me I'd won. It didn't hurt that the second prize poem was later shown to have been plagiarised!

Other things I've been proud of:

Managing to hold my goddaughter during church and having her not cry
Finishing a mountain bike race and then doing it faster every year since
Having a kid who I used to lead in Youth Group remember me

2) What's the news on you and the man? Have you found the spark, the sizzle, the lovely level of being happy together?

I think we have found a lovely level of being happy together. There still isn't that "wow" feeling that I thought I'd have of being totally, utterly and completely nuts about him, but I think he is absolutely amazing and I can't quite believe I'm lucky enough to have him. And he loves me and I have a big soppy smile on my face as I type this, so maybe it's just that I'm not admitting how nuts about him I am!

Plus I'm sure enough about him to be thinking about a long future together...

3) If you could move anywhere in the world, but you had to stay there for a year, where would you go and why?

Paris! Because it's a fantastic place anyway but also because I lived there during some of my "formative years" and I always feel that there's a part of me there. And because I'd get to speak French. :)

4) What is your biggest regret?

Being a wimp. I am not confident enough about many things, but mountain biking is a good example. My lack of confidence makes me more likely worry and then make mistakes and then to be less confident and more likely to hesitate and make mistakes and blah blah blah... vicious circle.

5) What are the ten things you would most like to accomplish in the next five years?

To get married (to the man mentioned above!)
To pay off my credit card and keep it paid off
To get involved in Bible translation
To have a tidy room (especially if I'm sharing it!)
To learn another language
To be able to play the guitar well enough to play a few songs without music
To work and live in Paris (more of a dream...)
To visit my best friend overseas
To go to Latin America
To free a prisoner of conscience
To be more present in everyday life and the lives of the people around me

If you would like to play the interview game, here are the rules:
Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me!”
-I will respond by e-mailing you five questions. I get to pick them, and you have to answer them all.
-You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
-You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
-When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.